Do you want to stay up to date with the latest BHD news? This is the place to be!
Here we will let you know about the latest BHD research, events, and opportunities to get involved with our work.
The First Genetic Study of BHD in India
At the BHD Foundation, we support individuals with BHD worldwide. Much of the research on BHD has been done in Europe and the US and so we were excited to see the first study of BHD in India.
What is the difference between BHD and LAM?
BHD is the most common genetic cause of collapsed lungs, where a diagnosis can be made. Another condition associated with collapsed lungs is lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Also known as LAM.
Genetic Risk Factors for Mesothelioma
You might be wondering why the BHD Foundation are blogging about malignant pleural mesothelioma. These studies caught our attention due to the mention of FLCN. Mutations in FLCN cause BHD.